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Product demo
Rena PattonMay 7, 2019 9:44:00 AM3 min read

How to Effectively Run Product Demos at Trade Shows

Product demos are a practical way to engage visitors, show off your top products and leave a lasting impact at a busy trade show.

But they require more than a simple set up and presentation.

At their heart, demos are sales pitches, meant to show viewers just how powerful, impactful and valuable your products really are. As such, they require a deft hand and some careful planning.

Are your product demos measuring up? Want to make sure they’re as effective as possible? Here’s how:


1. Keep them short and sweet

Trade show goers are busy. They’ve been on their feet for hours, and they still have dozens of other booths to stop at before their day is done. If you want to keep their attention — and make a good impression — keep your demos short and to the point. Generally, you want to keep a demo under 5 minutes.

Cover the basics, such as how it works, what it does and why they need it. Then encourage visitors to sit down with a staffer if they have questions or want to learn more. As soon as your demo is over, you can also hand out informative brochures that break down the pros, cons and common FAQs.


2. Engage the senses

The more senses your demo engages, the more memorable it will be in the long run. Play music or use sound effects during the presentation, hand visitors miniature products to follow along with as you speak, and make sure each guest has a snack, water and place to sit. You can also use smart lighting to draw attention to your presentation and bring in more visitors from the show.

The main goal? Aim to give your viewers something to feel, taste, touch, hear and see at some point during the demonstration.


3. Don’t be afraid to farm it out

If you don’t have a team member who’s particularly charismatic or great at public speaking, hire a trade show presenter. Sure, it will come with an up-front cost, but if they’re great at what they do, that fee will more than pay for itself in leads and sales.

If you do go with your in-house staff, make sure they’re well trained on the products and the presentation. Have them practice with your internal teams, and start them at smaller meetings and expos before going to an important trade show.


4. Reward your viewers

Sitting through an entire product demo — even just a short one — should always be rewarded. Have a freebie ready to give your viewers or, at the very least, some sort of refreshment on the way out the door.

You can use this as a chance to deliver more value and prove that you are an ally in their endeavors. Maybe give them a tip sheet to help make their jobs easier or hand them a copy of an industry publication or resource they might find useful. You could even provide a promo or discount code.


5. Stick to benefits, not features

It’s easy to get stuck on what your product is, not what it does. But in reality, the latter is all people care about. What can it do for them? How can it make their jobs easier? How can it make them more money? Always think of your demos from the viewer’s standpoint.

Keep your script focused on how your product can benefit them, their careers and their bottom line. This information is what will ultimately sell someone on your product in the long run.


Perfect Your Product Demo

Want help perfecting your product demonstrations? Need to ensure your next trade show is a success? We can help. Contact us to learn more about our trade show services and displays.